Thursday, October 25, 2012

Abraham has really been getting psyched about Halloween, so I came up with a couple little activities to fuel his interest: making pumpkin and ghost faces with magnets and a Halloween sensory bin (inspired by this post).

I just cut out a pumpkin from construction paper, taped it to the fridge,
then glued black paper to a magnet ad we got in the mail and cut out shapes.
Abraham decided he needed to use ALL the pieces to make a face.

I really like this cute face he made. It has a mustache. 

Halloween sensory bin - we had the black and white beans left over from
another sensory bin, I picked up a few little things from the dollar store, and
dyed some rice orange via this method.

I made the ghosts out of packing material. I planned to use tissue paper
but couldn't find any white.

In typical Abraham fashion, this turned into a role playing activity with
the skeletons. They have made their way out of the bin and all over
the house, including the bathtub. :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


We have really been enjoying the fall weather and trying to get outside as much as possible. We went on a little nature walk around our yard the other day, collecting cool leaves, flowers, and acorns. Then we made a quick batch of cinnamon play-dough that smells delicious. (The play dough recipe I use is here, but in this case I added cinnamon and no food coloring. It's a really great recipe. Stays soft for a long time even if (often) left out.)


Our collection

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

my little comedian

Me: Guess what we're having for dinner. It starts with a "t".
Abraham: Tomatoes?
Me: No, but good guess.
Abraham: Tizza?

*    *    *

Me: Do you want crackers or pretzels?
Abraham: A cracker named pretzel.

*    *    *

To go along with his constant pretending, he has also started sometimes narrating himself. After a bath, I'm getting his pjs out and I suddenly hear, "A naked boy lunged at his mother, knocking her over!" Not enough warning for me to escape, however.