Saturday, August 29, 2009

Not a post about babies or pregnancy


I've been feeling the urge to take a lot of polls lately to find out what people think about the inane minutia of my days. For instance, breakfast: Delicious or disgusting? A fried egg on top of a blueberry waffle topped with syrup, and (because I am indecisive) another fried egg on it's own, but accompanied by a blueberry waffle topped with blackberry jelly. This ended up being way more delicious than I was anticipating. Yay for breakfast in the afternoon! Yay for enjoying food during pregnancy! I may have this exact same meal for "lunch" in a bit.

The next order of business for the day will most likely be waking up the husband. The unfortunate thing about not waking up at the same time is that when he gets up, he'll want to laze about because it's Saturday and he just woke up. Whereas I've already been lazing about for over an hour, so I'm ready to move into the "getting stuff done" phase of the day...and of course all the stuff I want done involves Anderson doing the stuff. Ha. So I'll have to reign in my "what do you mean you don't want to work the second you wake up?" whines and let him have some chill time.

Headings, Facebook, and Blog Popularity

So lately I've been reading this blog in which the writer (or "blogger," if you will, but I hope you won't) breaks up each entry with amusing or descriptive headings, and I thought, hey, that's a good idea. That way the blog - especially when long - doesn't just run together like...something runny. So I wanted to start using headings, but there's also this bit of feeling self-conscious about it because I'm copying someone else's style, and isn't that lame? But then I remind myself that this person DID NOT INVENT HEADINGS. So it's cool if I use them, right? Let's take a poll.

I've also been indecisive on whether or not to have my blog automatically post to Facebook. I set it to do that a while back, and then changed it and took it off, and then put it back on recently. On the plus side, when it posts to Facebook, I get significantly more people reading and commenting, which is cool. On the downside, people don't go to the actual blog site to comment. And also the blog is then available to many more people, some of whom are only "friends," and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, on the blog site itself, it's completely open to the public (including "strangers"), but it's not thrown in their faces via newsfeed.

[Insert segue here] How do blogs get popular? You know how there are those blogs out there that are "well-known" and have like thousands of people reading and following them, and then the writers get book deals or money thrown at them for putting ads on their blogs and so on. But how does this happen? I mean, suppose I updated my blog regularly and it was very witty/insightful/informative/other adjective of choice, still, how would it get popular enough to garner monetary benefits? And why?

Headings Again

Is it worth using headings if I only end up using two legitimately?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

stop making babies so complicated

So, I'm still pregnant.


No contractions or anything. Just chillin.

Of course, my due date's not until next Saturday, so it's all good. And I still have things I need to get done. And some sleeping to do. But on the other hand, I'm gigantic and waddley and perpetually uncomfortable. Not to mention ready to play with a cute baby!

In other news, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is a good movie, cheese fries are delicious, and my husband is a total cutie. He did this little dance today, I forget why, but it was priceless. I call it super-cute syndrome. [Also, since he just read this part over my shoulder, he says I shouldn't call it a good movie, because then I'm putting myself out there too much or something, that I should just say I enjoyed it. But whatever. And then he walked outside the room and out of sight, then said, "What's this? The leg of a man?" and danced across the doorway. It was awesome. I almost peed.]

Also, I can't call people on the phone, apparently, or they think I'm having a baby. When it actually does happen, I'll have to be cool about it, call my mom and just be like, "Hey, what's up? Just calling to see how you're doing...."

I was looking through this list of suggested baby registry items today to see if there was anything we needed to buy for immediate use. First of all, I can't remember what the little suction thing is called to get stuff out of baby's nose, and it wasn't on the list. Somehow I just don't think "snot sucker" is right, but I can't think of anything else to call it. Second, what the heck, marketing? Why do you have to make people think they actually need all this stuff in order to have a baby? Seriously, you should see this list, people. There are four different types of strollers listed. For the car seat, apparently we need strap covers, neck wings, head support, car seat carrier cover, baby sunshade, car seat undermat, and car seat toys. At home, we need a swing (a travel swing, too), a jumper, a walker, a stationary entertainer, a bouncer/rocker, and a baby carrier. I'm sure babies have survived for thousands of years without all these things, and ours will too. Raising a baby does not require technology. I also don't like things that put the baby on its own without human interaction. When we were shopping for a diaper bag, I saw one that had a little pocket on the front that was for an mp3 player with a hole for the headphones to come out. For a split second, I was like, oh, that's cool, so it's tucked away. And then I thought, wait...the only time you would be carrying the diaper bag, most likely, is when you are with your baby. Why do you have headphones on when you're with the baby? Seriously, are you just tuning him out? Or he's asleep, and you won't hear when he wakes up? I dunno, man...seems neglectful.


Monday, August 10, 2009

in coherence

Thoughts need to be thunk and wrote about, but I's too braindead now. So instead, read this.

In-vitro meat

Is it kosher? Is it vegetarian? Is it respectful of life? Is it good for the environment? Economy? Is it gross and weird?

These are some of the questions I need to ponder on.